Posts Tagged ‘Montgomery County’


One Woman’s Crisis Brings Rape Center Back To Clarksville

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – After Dorlisha White was raped last summer, she felt alone. But because of her brave actions, many future Clarksville rape victims have somewhere to turn for help. White was raped at Fort Campbell last year and her attacker, Tyran Alexander, was sentenced to 10 years in Fort Leavenworth for sexual assault and… Read More…»


Community Health Foundation Supports Local Initiatives

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation has approved $772,000 in local grants in the current grant cycle. The Community Health Foundation acts as the public advocacy board entrusted with disbursing public assets flowing from Clarksville Volunteer Health Inc. Clarksville Volunteer Health is the 20 percent minority joint venture partner in Gateway Medical… Read More…»


Funding Available For Anti-Smoking Projects

Grants Available in Clarksville Area: Given the importance of tobacco use as an influence on the health of communities and given the fact that we have not received any requests for funding in the area of curtailing or preventing tobacco use, the Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation is making funding available for projects aimed at controlling the… Read More…»


Congratulations to Board Member Joey Smith!

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – Montgomery County Public Health Director Joey Smith (’99) was recently honored as one of the leaders in his field in the United States, and Austin Peay State University is proud to welcome Smith to campus as he discusses his successes and what he sees in the future of public health. Smith’s discussion… Read More…»


Summer outdoor festivals remind us to take care

Summer is a favorite time of year, but recent reports from outdoor festivals remind us to take care: the summer sun can burn, heat dehydrates and high humidity impairs the body’s ability to keep cool. Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before going out and should be reapplied. Hats are protective. The U.S. Centers for… Read More…»


Health Rankings Were Announced This Week February 17, 2010

County-by-county health rankings were announced this week (February 17, 2010) allowing those of us in Montgomery County to compare ourselves to others across the state. Montgomery County ranked well:  10th of the 95 counties in terms of health outcomes – things like premature death, reported health and low birth weight of infants. Unfortunately, when looking… Read More…»
