Clarksville Women’s Club Donates Dictionaries


CLARKSVILLE, TN – Clarksville Women’s Club members at Barksdale Elementary School with the Principal Melinda Harris and Assistant Principal Karen Hoskins after donating dictionaries to all third-grade students.

The Dictionary Project was started in Montgomery County by the GFWC Clarksville Women’s Club earlier this year.  The club applied for a grant from the CMC Community Health Foundation as part of a healthy living literacy project.  Delivery of the dictionaries will be completed by the end of the year.

Officials from the Clarksville Women’s Club said they are proud to have donated almost 2000 dictionaries to the project this year. This literacy project falls under the Education & Libraries Community Service Program but is open for all members to participate.

By Patty Gabilondo

Source link: Clarksville Women’s Club donates dictionaries to third-grade students |
