Since 2009 CMCCHF has put
back into our community!
Our Mission
To promote the general health of the residents of the City of Clarksville, the County of Montgomery, the five contiguous counties of Northern Middle Tennessee, and Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Operating Objective
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that takes a charitable, scientific, and educational approach towards awarding one-year grants to organizations that propose projects that promote and improve the health of our residents by addressing health behavior, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the built environment.
Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation, Inc.
120 South 2nd St, Suite 201, Clarksville, TN, 37040.
Whitney Crandall, Grants Manager
phone: 931-896-2778
email: Whitney@communityhealthfoundation.org
Paula Johnson, Office Manager
phone: 931-896-2744
email: Paula@communityhealthfoundation.org